Thursday, March 15, 2018

Money Success - How to Name Your Seed and Reap Miracle Financial Harvests

Money Success - How to Name Your Seed and Reap Miracle Financial Harvests

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Money Success - How to Name Your Seed and Reap Miracle Financial Harvests

Jesus came to give us an abundant life as spoken in John 10:10. This abundant life includes peace, joy, love, wisdom, success, health, weight loss, confidence, having children, spouse, money making ideas, inventions, freedom from sin, freedom from fear, holiness, super intelligence, financial abundance and anything else that would be a blessing. This article focuses on just one of those blessings, financial abundance and how to obtain it for a purpose.

Compared to the rich in the world, most of the Church has been broke for hundreds of years because of a failure to name their financial seed. Without a proper understanding of sowing and reaping, the finances of even the best money manager come far short of the financial abundance of an anointed and instructed sower.

You see, although they named their tithes which took care of the operating expenses of the local church and subsequently took care of their own house expenses, they failed to name their offerings. Result, Satan stole their harvests and left the Church with a paycheck to paycheck broke existence. But that is all changing. God is restoring to the Church an understanding of how to properly sow and reap abundant harvests. He is fulfilling Proverbs 13:22b in these last days:

"The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just."

So let me show you how to experience financial abundance through the biblical principle of sowing and reaping.

Jesus taught sowing and reaping. Remember the crowd on the Galilean shore in Luke 5:3 where Jesus preached to them from Peter's boat. By loaning his boat to Jesus, Peter had activated the sowing and reaping principle. As a result of sowing his seed (boat loan) into Jesus' ministry, Peter got a harvest. A miracle boatload of fish. Look at Luke 5:4-6:

"Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon (Peter), Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake."

Just as a farmer expects a harvest when he sows his seed into the soil, you are to expect (have faith for) a harvest when you sow your finances into a ministry the Holy Spirit has prompted you to support. It could be your local church or some other ministry that is advancing the kingdom of God, reaching souls for Jesus. And make sure you give your seed an assignment by naming your seed when you sow it. You could name it "financial breakthrough," or "financial abundance." If you are a writing a check, write the name of your seed, "financial breakthrough," somewhere on your check.

Important - Sowing is to be a lifestyle, not a one shot thing. You don't name your financial seed, plant it and never sow again. No, continue to sow consistently, naming your seed until your harvest comes in. After your first financial harvest comes in, keep sowing for another financial harvest. The bigger the financial seed you sow, the bigger the harvest. And the bigger the harvest, the bigger the seed you can sow, producing bigger and bigger harvests ushering you into your wealthy place.

It may be a day, a week, a month or a year before your first harvest comes in, but your harvests will manifest in due season. Once they start coming in, you're on your way to living the abundant lifestyle promised you by Jesus Himself.

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not"(Galatians 6:7-9).

Listed below are the sowing and reaping steps you take to release your faith for your miracle abundant financial harvests:

Step 1 - Know God Is Your Source of Supply - Don't try to figure out how He is going to do it. That is His job. Your job is to sow and expect a harvest.

Step 2 - Name Your Seed - Naming your seed gives it an assignment. What do you want from your harvest? Healing, finances, peace, a spouse? Whatever it is you want, name your seed.

Step 3 - Sow Your Seed - Ask God the Father in Jesus' name where to sow your financial seed. The Holy Spirit will direct you to sow your seed in good soil (a church or ministry doing the will of God - winning souls, teaching healing, sowing and reaping etc.).

Step 4 - Sow as an Act of Love, Worship and Obedience - Sow your seed as an act of love, worship and obedience to God. You are obeying God's command to give when you sow and out of your abundance you can bless others as the Holy Spirit directs.

"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again" ( Luke 6:38).

Step 5 - Expect a Harvest - Release your faith for your harvest to come in by daily thanking, praising and worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ for your harvest.

Step 6 - Speak God's Promises over Your Seed - As you release your faith through thanksgiving, praise and worship for your harvest to manifest, speak God's promises over your seed sown. For instance, if you named your seed "financial breakthrough," speak financial prosperity scriptures over your seed like Psalm 1:1-3, Psalm 35:27, Luke 6:38 and Philippians 4:19.

Step 7 - Keep a Record of Your Seed Planted - This way you can focus on your seed planted as you release your faith for your harvests through thanking, praising and worshipping Jesus Christ and declaring God's promises over your seed sown.

Step 8 - Be a Conduit for God's Finances - You are blessed to be a blessing. Yes, because you are to be God's representative, an ambassador for Christ, you are to dress the best, drive the best, fly the best, live the best, but always on call to sow your financial seed wherever God directs. His agenda is to become our agenda. His agenda is for souls to be saved, delivered, discipled, serving in a local church, bearing fruit and walking in His glory, virtue and perfect will.

And remember to be patient after you name and plant your seed(s). Your harvest(s) will come in if you stay in faith:

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Galatians 6:9).

Very, Very, Very Important

There are two things that will hinder you from receiving your harvest. Disobedience and lack of faith. I will explain. Disobedience: If you fail to ask God how much you should give and you give an amount He is not pleased with, then you are being disobedient. If you fail to ask God where to sow (plant) your seed and you sow your seed in the wrong soil (ministry), then you are being disobedient. Dont expect God to give you the harvest you desire if you have been disobedient. What does this mean? To avoid being disobedient, you will have to spend time listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit who will guide you into all truth, helping you make wise sowing decisions.

I know I mentioned faith in step five, but I want to drive this faith principle home. Lack of faith is a big no no. When you sow your financial seed, you must believe (expect) your harvest to manifest, to come in. Dont just drop your money in the bucket and not expect God to multiply your giving and bless you with a bountiful harvest. If you don't expect a harvest, you're not going to get a harvest. Faith is what moves the hand of God to multiply your seed sown.

Divine caution: Make sure God is always first place in your life.

This sowing and reaping principle I have shared with you will work in every area of your life, not just for finances. As listed at the beginning, you can sow for a miracle harvest of peace, joy, love, wisdom, success, health, weight loss, confidence, having children, spouse, money making ideas, inventions, freedom from sin, holiness, freedom from fear, super intelligence, financial abundance and anything else that would be a blessing to your life. There is miracle power in the seed. Release your faith for the abundant life through sowing and reaping.

Would you like to learn more about sowing and reaping? Click on "Rich God's Way" below.

Want to learn the right way to win souls to Jesus Christ? Click on "Witnessing the Right Way" below.

How will you cope together with your getting older oldsters' fee volume

Image source: Respect your determine's finances...