Saturday, March 3, 2018

Healthy Tips To Help With Conception

Healthy Tips To Help With Conception

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You and your partner have decided it's time. You've stopped using birth control and you've begun the fun part of having kids, making them. Don't stress out if you're not pregnant in the first couple of months of trying. Here are some important things to keep in mind when trying to conceive.

The body works best when it is not stressed out. Studies show that 8 out of 10 women suffer from significant stress in their day to day lives. Whether it is work, family, or financial stress it can wreak havoc on your system. Here are some simple ways you can work on reducing your stress level. If you feel your stress level rising, no matter where you are, take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. The oxygen to your brain and body help to reduce the level of stress plus it gives you a couple of seconds to regain composure or think about what needs to be done and what can wait till later. Take 10 minutes a day to sit in silence or with calm music and think about your favourite thing to do, place to visit, or memory. This simple exercise helps your body and mind to come to rest and recharge on thoughts that are happy and pleasant.

Now that you are ready to be pregnant you have stopped eating junk food and drinking caffeine by the pot. It is time to start consuming the types of food that will help your body prepare for and carry the baby you are hoping for. Caffeine increases levels of stress and anxiety. Most doctors recommend the cessation of caffeine intake while pregnant because it can affect the development of the baby and increase the baby's heart rate. The baby growing inside you will be borrowing from your sources of nutrients for its own development. This means no more skipping meals. A skipped meal can leave you fatigued and faint. Most health care professionals recommend six small balanced meals a day to keep your metabolism at an even level instead of the highs and lows experienced with only two or three large meals a day. Prenatal vitamins should be taken as well. Besides being a multivitamin, they contain folic acid. Folic acid helps to prevent neural tube defects during your baby's prenatal development. It is a good idea to begin taking them right away since you will not know when you do become pregnant. During the first four weeks babies grow by leaps and bounds. It is imperative that you stay adequately hydrated during pregnancy. At least 64 oz. of water a day is recommended. Carry a water bottle with you throughout your day and don't forget to DRINK IT.

A relaxed and well nourished body also needs regular exercise. Not marathon over the top exercise, but 25 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise that maintains your heart rate at your target heart rate. Talk to your doctor about your target heart rate or if you belong to a gym you can talk to a personal trainer. Aerobic exercise is continuous motion with adequate oxygen. Ideas for aerobic activity include biking, swimming, speed walking, running, aerobics class, or stair climber. Find something you enjoy doing or alternate activities to break up the monotony and make it a part of your day at least 3 times a week.

It's important to know when you are most fertile (likely to get pregnant). Purchase an ovulation test kit from any drug store and follow the directions. If you are between 20-35 years of age and have been trying to conceive for more than 1 year, or 6 months if over 35, you may require infertility treatments and should speak with your doctor.

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Image source: Respect your determine's finances...