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Things You'll Need
Wide- tooth comb
Fine- tooth comb
Ponytail holder
Spray bottle with water
Styling cream (for fine, fly- away hair)
Finishing spray
Make sure that hair is as smooth as possible and entirely free of even the smallest knot as they will cause problems. Comb it with wide- tooth comb until comb moves freely through hair. Break down hair into smaller sections and comb through with a fine- tooth comb. Be sure to discard any rings and bracelets as they might get caught in the hair.
The Basic English Braid is the most common and quick and easiest braid to do, even on yourself. Practicing these quick steps will lead you to do it by yourself.
1.For a perfect braid, branch all hair into three proportional segment and comb areas uniform.
2.Cross the right hand areas over the middle sections. The original right hand is now the middle segment.
3.Pull the sections away from each other and stiffen the plait.
4.Cross the left hand areas over the middle areas. The original left hand areas is now the middle areas.
5.Squeeze the plait again.
6.Continue the process alternating right and left sections over the middle sections, squeezing each plait as you make it.
7.Fasten the end of the braid with a hair- safe ponytail holder.
Once you've get the knack of the basic braid, try braiding your hair in three areas along the hairline at the nape of your neck and then braiding all three areas together for a more complicated look. The most considerable step in braiding hair is to plan your style. Having in mind what your end goal looks like will help you to form a path for getting there. The easiest amount to begin with will probably be four to six sections from the front to the back of the head. French and Dutch braids can look impressive with the braid ending at the hairline and the remaining hair caught in a ponytail. Try adding a head band to your new look to add some panache.
Please visit these links for more information on How To Braid Hair :
Braid Hair and Curl Hair.