Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Understanding Annulment Forms

Understanding Annulment Forms

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Understanding Annulment Forms

What are Annulment Forms? It is a legal document that when granted to declare the marriage annulled and void. A kind of document that will consider marriage has never took place. The petitioner must prove that the respondent has never been engaged his life in marriage or need to prove that he is mentally incapacitated and never perform his duties and responsibilities as a husband and father to the children if any.

In order to understand better the annulment form, any person must consider learning the components involving the filing of the document.

1. Petitioner information. Stated are the full name of the petitioner including maiden name, the complete current address, employment if any, work telephone number, business name and address if any, social security number, email address and salary income. All the details must be of current status and all filled with true and correct information.

2. Respondent information. The stated information is similar to the petitioner.

3. Marriage details. Stated is the date of marriage and location it took place.

4. Name of children if any. Stated are the names or names of children, birth date and the total number of children the couple have.

5. Reasons or appeals in filing petition. The petitioner will state the reasons of filing the annulment petition. In some cases the petitioner will attached copies of proof as evidence of violence and psychologist report.

6. List of properties acquired within marriage also known as "Conjugal Properties." This will state all the properties that the couple acquired during their marriage.

7. Joint financial accounts information. List of banks accounts information and addresses of each bank, name used and other information used in opening accounts.

8. Retirements accounts. List of insurance number and retirement institution in which the couple had registered into.

9. Debts accounts. List of debts accounts, loans made and its accounts especially for those still payable.

10. Acknowledgement of the petition and signature. The petitioner acknowledged and pledged that the above information are true and correct at the best of the petitioner's knowledge. Then bellow affixed the petitioner's full name and signature.

The petitioner must provide a copy of the marriage license and birth certificate of the children upon filing the petition. And the petitioner will need the services of a psychologist to conduct interviews to the petitioner and the respondent. If there are or is witness involve the witness must undergo interview with the psychologist too. And of course a lawyer to depend her case and process the petition. Series of trials and perhaps the process will take one and one-half years to two years processing before the judge give his final decision either to grant or dismiss the case. The petitioner needs to endure all the trials and the expenses if the petitioner really needs to get it approved and done.

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Image source: Respect your determine's finances...