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Indian stock market has become a good source of investment know. Every individual trader has its own trading goals which he wants to accomplish from market. Depending on the goals and risk bearing capability traders decides using which financial instrument and strategy they should trade. For ensuring their good earnings and boosting returns from market considering experts recommendations on mcx tips and more is really helpful. Sometimes traders can not trade at particular time and therefore to facilitates them to trade in an efficient manner market offers different ways using which orders can be placed.
Meaning of post/pre/after market orders is discussed below:
1) Pre market order
There is high volatility in market when it opens and to control this volatility NSE has introduced the concept of pre market order. Also this allows to get suitable effects of previous night news on stocks opening prices. The pre market session is conducted between 9-9:15 am on NSE. In this 15 minutes duration, during first 8 minutes orders are collected, altered or canceled and after this no orders can be placed. Therefore while placing pre market order you can place order in only first 8 minutes and that too in equities only.
2) Post market order
Like pre market orders, post market orders can be placed only in equity segment. The post market session is conducted after market is closed from 3:40 pm-4 pm. In this duration traders can place their buy/sell orders at closing price. For example at the time of market closing price of TCS share was Rs 850 then you can place post market order at this price level. The purpose of this order type is to facilitates traders to place their orders at LTP(last traded price).
3) After market order
Unlike other order types discussed above after market orders can be placed in all segments. As the name suggests this order can be placed after the market is closed and before pre market opening session is conducted. If you want to trade at market opening and because of some reason you are unable to do so then this order can be helpful to do so. All AMO orders can be canceled anytime before 8:45 am next morning. Also these orders are not immediately sent to the exchange like other orders.
Traders must know about these important facts related to market before they began to trade as lack of good market knowledge can bring them losses. Vague knowledge may help to succeed for short period of time but on long term basis it will not help. Traders can make use of financial advisory services to ensure good returns and manage risk in a better way. After carefully studying technical and fundamental factors experts of market gives suggestions to stock market traders.