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# Find a millionaire mentor
- A swimming coach can not teach you how to play basketball. Every successful people like Michael Jordan has their own coach. If you want to be a millionaire, the first step is to find a millionaire to be your mentor. They are the person who have been through the whole journey and know how to do it. Therefore, you can save lots of time and resources than do it on your own way. Please do some research to find one guru that suits you, invest in their courses and materials. # Start your own business
- Yes, start your own business no matter it is part time or full time. You may have many reasons or excuses for not starting your own business i.e. no time, no resources or not enough capital etc. But the fact is, if you are working for somebody and getting a fixed pay, you are just being paid to be a working machine to help them to become a millionaire. Do you realize that 95 business system, and the 95 or 95%?
# Buy time with money
- Buy other people's time to run the business for you just like what your boss did. Do not do everything by yourself. Outsource some of the tasks i.e those time consuming and not at your expertise to some other people who does. So you can spend more time to strategize on how to multiply your income or expand your business. Trust me, this is the best way to do it because you only have 24 hours a day despite how intelligent you are. So, spend time on the more important thing.
# Invest in real estate or stock market
- Majority of the millionaires are a sophisticated investor. They know how to play with the cash flow. They will not put all the eggs in one basket. However invest in property and stock market will need capital, one of my mentor taught me that do not to go into any investment until you have a stable income from your business. In other words passive income. Take this journey slowly and steadily. Do not rush into it.
# Form a mastermind group
- Napoleon Hill, the best-selling author of "Think and Grow Rich" emphasized on how important of a mastermind group. You shall have many opportunities to meet new people when you join any wealth creation seminar. Remember to get their business card or a contact number. Arrange a monthly gathering if possible. Make them to be your buddy and adviser. These are the people who can help you, motivate you and encourage you along the the journey.
The list can go on and on but the key is to take action! The difference between a successful people and a failure is, a successful people take action and a failure only know how to find excuses for not doing anything. I believe you belong to the former who wish to be success. So, stop dreaming and take action now to hop onto the path to become a millionaire!