Image source: https://nikkita102895.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/448659260_640.jpg
What does it take to be successful in MLM? First, you must know the basics about the company you are thinking of joining. Doing your research and educating yourself about a particular business is necessary before signing any contracts and forking over any money. Take the time to learn about the network marketing opportunity, and take the time to think it over. You may want to consult your family, friends, or even a lawyer before making any major decisions.
There are countless MLM firms out there and some of them may be illegal pyramid schemes where representatives earn commissions simply for recruiting others into the business without actually moving any products/services. Beware of these scams.
Know the companys track record. Check with the local government where the company is based (or the agency where the company is registered) for lawsuits or any other records. Work with a network marketing company that is recognized by regulatory agencies like The Better Business Bureau and adheres to high professional standards. Talk to people who have had dealings with the company. Beware of baseless over hyped claims that exaggerate how great the company is, as they may be decoys.
Learn about the products/services that the company sells. Any company marketing items based on needs rather than wants whereby consumers won't have to change their buying habits is ideal. Would you use the products or services the company is pushing?
It is very easy to promote products/services that you like and you personally use. Like any other legitimate business, MLM usually has some start up costs associated with it. Evaluate what the fees are, and what exactly you are getting in return for them. Watch out for companies that require you to purchase expensive products and marketing materials up front - these may be pyramids scams looking to cash in and run. Understand the company's compensation plan and make sure you are comfortable with it. Is it something you know you can work at and have the patience to see results with? Watch out for companies that offer more than 60% (of the list price) in commissions - it will most likely be that the products are overpriced, or that a distributor must keep up a specific quota or sales volume. Once you've done your homework and you do decide to move forward make sure you legally register your business so that you can deduct any money spent as a fully tax deductible expense.
How did you hear of the particular network marketing firm you are considering?
Having the right sponsor (upline) who can provide you with the necessary support to help you grow your business is vital. A good sponsor will motivate you and help guide you through the business without pressuring you. Besides, the way network marketing is built, your sponsor's success is totally dependent on yours so helping you become successful should be his/her top priority. In regards to training you on the fundamentals look for a sponsor that will be open to various marketing strategies. The problem with most companies/network marketers is that they only follow traditional MLM strategies (home meetings with family, friends, and referrals) as part of their training. They rarely think outside the box and consider other avenues, the most important being Internet marketing. A good sponsor will be open to various strategies and encourage you to try different things in your marketing mix.
You also have to be comfortable mentoring others. Growing a successful MLM downline and training your recruits is crucial for you to have long lasting success and enjoy over-riding residual income on your team's efforts. You have to have the patience and leadership to guide your team and keep them motivated so they don't quit prematurely. There are a variety of methods to prospect for new recruits as well as market your goods to potential customers. Everyone is different so learn to adapt to each situation and use the proper approach when promoting your business and what it has to offer. Whether it be with through word of mouth, phone calls, emails, home/group meetings, business cards, flyers, posters, newspaper ads, Internet marketing etc...what is important is choosing the form that works for you and the person(s) you are approaching.
It takes passion, commitment, determination, hard work, and a lot of patience to be successful at MLM. It is not a get rich quick scam. It takes time to build a solid organization (downline) of like-minded business partners that will duplicate your success and provide you with long-term residual income. Lead by example. Many who jump into MLM quit in the first year before having given their franchise time to grow. Most small businesses take anywhere from 3-7 years, maybe more, to have lasting success. Be realistic, stay the course, and have fun while doing it!