Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3a/0b/66/3a0b66f5a4c981edaa775ac070c19f51.jpg
Shaving. This is the easiest, cheapest and fastest way to remove hair. It is not a painful process unless you cut yourself. It is important to shave with lotion, cream or oil. These ingredients allow you to shave smoothly and enjoy the process. Shaving work best for legs and underarm because it is easy to do. Always keep in mind to avoid nicks.
Waxing. It is a method which causes most women to scream. Apply sticky substances to the certain area of your skin which has hair growing. The resin binds the hair to a cloth, which is yanked off. Some thick waxes are applied and peeled off. The hair is removed from the root and will grow back. The method will be very painful for the first time. After several time of waxing, the hair will grow thinner each time and it hurts less. This method require some costs for the material. However, it works great bikini area.
Laser. Laser hair removal works best on dark hair and light skin. Laser treatment could be painful but not as pain as waxing. Laser session for upper lip and chin only takes 10 minutes. You need 5-6 sessions which are 4 weeks apart from each session. However, the cost is quite high for laser hair removal treatment. It can cost around $200 for each session. Although it is expensive, it might not the best hair removal method because it doesn't guarantee results and it is important to look for credible aesthetician.
Tweezing. Tweezing works best on eye brows. It is important to have hair that is long enough to tweeze. Good tweezers aren't usually cheap.
Threading. It is becoming common in big cities. It is mainly used on eye brows, upper lip and chin. In the process, the aesthetician uses a doubled-up strand of cotton to twist around each hair and pull them out. The cost is low and it is faster than tweezing.
Electrolysis. This a hair removal method that could guarantee results. The technician will insert a needle into each hair follicle. Then, the low electricity current will kill the follicle. It is a tedious process and it is common used on brows, chin and upper lip. The cost is around $50 for each session and you are required to attend 15-30 times.
Cream. This method is simple, convenient and cheap. All you need to do is get your own hair removal cream from stores. After applying the cream on your skin, the unwanted hair will be eliminated and there's no pain involved. It could remove hair from eyebrows, upper lips and legs. It is important to read the instructions because not all brands allow you to apply any part of your body.
Have you decided on your best hair removal methods? Each method has their pros and cons and it is up to you to decide which is the best method.
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